Paperwork and Medico-legal requests
Prescription requests
Provided you have attended the doctor within the preceding 3 months, and your medical condition does not require a review, repeat prescriptions are attended to on an urgent or non-urgent basis and attract a non-Medicare rebatable fee. Requests can be lodged via reception or through Hotdoc
Referral letters
Referrals can be requested either at the time of a consultation or through Hotdoc. If requested through Hotdoc a non- Medicare rebateable fee will be applied. This option is only available for certain types of referrals.
Medical certificates
Doctors can provide medical certificates as indicated by your medical condition. These may not be back dated and are best requested at the time of consultation.
Medical / legal / insurance reports
Our doctors provide reports, with a patient’s written consent, regarding their medical conditions, to the authorised entity.
Should you require any Centrelink forms, please make a longer appointment via reception or online.
Travel forms
These need to be lodged with the patient travel department, at the Bundaberg Base Hospital, prior to travel being undertaken, to seek specialist care out of Bundaberg. They should be filled in at the time of referral, or at an appointment made for this purpose, with the referring doctor.
Medical and nursing students
Burrum Street Medical Practice is a teaching practice and we occasionally will have medical and nursing students sitting in with your consultation or treatment. We will inform you of this prior to your appointment. You have the right to decline to have the student sitting in.
Patient feedback
All suggestions or complaints should be addressed to the Practice Manager, preferably in writing. Your concerns will be responded to promptly.