Do I need yellow fever vaccination?

Please discuss with your own doctor with regards to your travel vaccination requirements.

Yellow fever is currently endemic in 29 African and 13 Central and South American countries.

It is recommended to get the yellow fever vaccination is you are travelling to a country where yellow fever is endemic. It may also be an immigration criterion to have evidence of yellow fever vaccination to enter certain countries.

Check the yellow fever entry requirements for all the countries you intend to enter, including those in which you will transit. The entry requirements for yellow fever vaccination may differ.

Please refer to the following links for more information and discuss with your doctor before booking an appointment for the vaccine:

WHO list of countries with risk of yellow fever -

CDC Yellow fever recommendations -

Stamaril is a live attenuated vaccine.

Do not have any other live vaccines OR donate blood 4 weeks after vaccination

Side effects include

Common and mild – usually in first 5 days, but may last up to 2 weeks

  • Low-grade fever
  • Myalgia
  • Mild headache
  • Malaise
  • Lethargy/Weakness
  • Injection site inflammation

Severe and rare

  • Immediate hypersensitivity reactions  <1:1 000 000
  • Vaccine associated neurotropic disease – can occur up to 30 days after vaccination
  • Vaccine associated viscerotropic disease

Protection only starts 10 days after vaccination – which is also the time your certification becomes valid

Protection is life-long except in certain circumstances.

Keep your certificate safe and in good condition. Make copies – they are not accepted but is helpful if you have lost or damaged your original and a new certificate needs to be reissued.

When attending your appointment and Burrum Street Medical Practice, please bring your passport and itinerary


Fees Medicare Rebate
Consultation $110.00 $42.85
Yellow Fever Vaccine $183.48 N/A